segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2008

Deeper thoughts survey (Over 100 questions)
Ok, These'll be hard to answer, But I won't accept I don't know so answer
with real words...
Describe yourself::sou uma pessoa curiosa e singular
Do your friends play pranks on you?:ya
Are they kind of mean pranks sometimes?:raramente
Are you the victom of all the teasing and jokes?:noooooot
Who are your friends?:o pessoal do costume
Do you love your friends or family more?:family
What is life to you?:a vida é uma arena com varios caminhos para precorrer. cada um tem que escolher o caminho com qual se sente cómodo e aproveitar esse caminho ao máximo.
Can you shrug off something as if it were nothing?:yes
Do you pretend to be happy, but you're really dying inside?:ya, mas a verdade nota-se sempre
What aura do you feel around people?:depende das pessoas, quando sao pessoas comuns sinto-me sozinho
Do you close yourself off from others?:yes
Can you trust your friends with absoultly anything?:nao, hoje em dia o valor da amizade é misjudged e inexistente
Have you ever though nobody cared about you at all?:yes
What's your family like?:confusa
What is the thing you can't stand about them?:a teimosia
What are three things you couldn't live without?:comida, musica e um sofa
Why not?:pq preciso pra matar a fome, pq preciso pra comer e pq preciso para descansar
Extra space if you need it:
Have you ever wondered where you go after you die?:ja, mas nunca xeguei a uma conclusao coerente
Do you think you'll go to heaven or hell?:se isso existe entao o céu é populado por menos de 100 pessoas. e eu nao tou entre elas
Why?:pq o conceito é estupido e contraditorio
How will anything change if you were to die now?:nao sei.. nao faria muita diferença..
Do you write suicide notes/dark poetry?:errr nao!
Would you change anything about your life?:yes
What would it be?:preferia nao ter um irmao pouco mais velho que eu
Are you popular?:nao me parece
Do you feel ugly around people?:lol nao
On a scale 1 to 5 how confident are you?:3.5
Are you obessed with everything being perfect?:nem por sombras
Do you let everything go, as if you don't care about anything?:as vezes
What would be the best place to spend the weekend?:in the desert.. with a generator
Do you love animals?:yes, alguns
Which ones do you like?:gatos
Which animal are you, and describe how you are alike::sou um macaco, as vezes hiper activo, outras vezes um caroxao. e um verdadeiro badalhoco
Have you ever just felt like you had to get away from everything?:ya, mas poucas vezes
How many people would be happy if you died?:nao sei
How many people would be devastated?:a minha familia provavelmente, e amigos de longa data e amigos mais xegados
How many people would be sad, but not sad enough to cry?:alguns colegas que nao me conheciam bem
Who do you hate? (Be honest we all hate someone. Or just someone you dislik:eu nao ando com pessoas que odeio, mas odeio mitras e gangstah wannabes
Do you ever cry for no reason at all?:nunca
What movie makes you sad?:not movies, mas series sim
Have you ever cried when you read a book?If you have, what were you reading:never
Do you have any problems with someone if their ugly? (Be honest):sim, sobretudo se forem feios e estupidos, argh!
Do you have problems with mental people?:com pessoas mentais ? nao
Is school important to you?:pra mim nao, pra minha carreira
Ever think about the future?:sim, mas nunca seriamente
What do you think will happen to you?:acabarei a viver sozinho num apartamento podre em algum lugar do globo
Will you and your BFF stay best friends forever, or would you seperate?:a vida é mto incerta
What do you want to be when you grow up?:musico e andar em gigs
Do you think you'll get married?:marriage... hmmm
Have kids?:yes
Do you find yourself unattractive?:as vezes
Do you ever get picked on, because how smart you are or the way you look?:axo qe nao
What do you think of hypocrites?:as vezes consigo ser mesmo um, portanto prefiro nao opinar
Do you have problems with gay/bi/lesbian people?:not at all, desde que nao me assediem
What do you want your last words to be?:i did it for the lulz
What makes you happy?:estar bem na vida
What makes you angry?:incomprensao
What makes you sad?:injustiça
What makes you content?:ter algo pra fazer que gosto
Have you ever lost someone close to you?:sim
Who, And how did you feel?:o meu avo, senti-me estranho pq ja estava a espera. com o nelson fiquei mesmo triste pq foi totalmente inesperado e injusto
What's the biggest lesson you've learned?:nunca digas desta agua nao beberei
Are you selfish in some ways? (We all are) In which ways are you selfish?:nas minhas accoes e nos bens pessoais
Do you think all the good looking people are always the popualr ones?:nem por isso, muitas vezes passam desapercebidos
Is it hard to believe that most UN-popular people are the ones that're nice:nao sei
Is that true to you, or a stereotype?:nao sei
Can you say anybody TRULEY knows you?:axo que ninguem, pq eu estou em constante mutaçao, lol
Do you belive in labels?:yes
Why or why not?:pq existem
Do you belive in soul mates?:sim
Think you'll ever find him/her?:sim
Do you belive in fate?:sim
Is life what you want it to be?:nao
What is friendship to you?:muito importante
Are you happy with your life?:em certo modo sim
If not, what's wrong with it?:falta-me mais comodidades
Who would you die for?:a minha irma
Would you be happy if your worst enemy died?:ficaria satisfeito se fosse eu contra ele numa batalha epica >:D
Lifes a storybook, Never knowing what'll happen, no way to know the end....:é verdade
If life really IS a storybook, Would it be interesting to read?:as vezes seria demasiado aborrecido
Isn't there going to be alot of plot twist in that book?:na vida ha sempre muitos twists
Are you single?:not
If you are or aren't, how is it?:sinto-me bem neste momento
Are you scared to get rejected by somebody?:claro
What stereotype do you consider yourself?:alguem que tenta ser fixe, mas nao o é, mas que conhecendo-o melhor afinal é
How do you feel in the darkness?:com sono
How do you feel looking up in the sky?:MUITO relaxado
How do you feel in the rain?:incomodo e triste
Would you give up EVERYTHING for your religon?(If you have one):nunca
Are you for or against PETA?:é-me igual
Why?:porque nao é relevante aos meus interesses
Are animals treated worse or better than us?:axo que igual
Explain your answer for the precious question::depende das pessoas e dos animais
What do you simply love about nature?:a sua magia
What do you just flat out hate about nature?:a sua instabilidade
What're three ways you express yourself? (As an individual):me, me, me
Do you have a song you can relate to?:nao sei
Which one?:nao sei
Do you find it attractive when someone is mysterious?:ya
Are you mysterious?:tb
Do you keep a straight face when you lie? (We all lie once in a while):axo que nao x)
Does it bother you when you see someone trying to be bad to look cool?:yes
Are you shallow? (Be honest):nao sei o que isso
Would you go out with an ugly person?:sou superficial, portanto nao
Would you rather be fat or dead?:fat :D
Which flower do you resemble the most?/Which one do you think you're like?:nao gosto de flores
Do you sometimes envy people that have more than you?:sim
Tell me what you think being "Unique as an individual" means:é ter personalidade juridica (nao tou a brincar)
Do you act like someone you're not just to fit in?:depende das situaçoes
Can you be snobby at times?:axo que sim
Do you usually sit and talk or dance around at a party?:both
Do you consider yourself shy or outgoing? (No in between, one or the other):shy
Look back at you answers, and you will see who you are
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domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

The Awesome, Exceptional, Amazing, Great, Wonderful Survey With Interesting Questions!!
What do people call you?:angel
What color is your hair?:light brown
Is it natural?:clharo
How is it styled right now?:normal
Do you have allergies?:
Do you have any other medical issues?:not
Are you on medication for anything?:rofl no
What are you doing tomorrow?:IPICAEI MOTHERFUCKER!
What are you doing this weekend?:ipca, catarina, conduzir, ensaio, curtir o milhao, etc
Do you have a job?:caroxar..
What was the last thing you bought?:uma fatia de pizza no museu d diogo
How good is your eyesight?:eagle vision
What color is your mailbox?:ja nao vou ao correio a anos
How many windows are in your room?:one
What color are your bedroom walls?:UAITE
What color are your sheets?:BELU
What color is the carpet?:BURAUN
Do you stalk people?:i did :>
Have you ever had a stalker?:no 9º
What was the last thing you ate?:tu sabes, lol
Is your handwriting neat or sloppy?:mega sloppy
Are you a slob?:um que ?
What do you spend a lot of money on?:comida
How many pairs of shoes do you own?:2 ou 3
Do you sleep with the door open or closed?:fexada
Do you sleep with the closet doors open or closed?:totalmente fexados
Who was better: N*Sync or Backstreet Boys?:nenhum, buh
When was the last time you took a shower?:ha umas horas atras
What does your mom do for a living?:sobrevive
Where is your dad right now?:longe ;_;
Who is the prettiest person you know?:tu
What are you listening to right now?:ui, nada, vou ja por musica
What does your favorite shirt look like?:é verde
Do you read a lot?:na net
Do you write a lot?:no msn
What's the biggest age difference between you and someone you've dated?:1 ano e algo
What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?:brincar e brincar
Where were you born?:no hospital 12 de octubre em madrid
Would you ever shave your head?:quando for um shaolin monk
Do people tell you that you're attractive?:axo que nao
Do you wear a lot of makeup?:nem uma pitada
What time do you get up in the morning?:quando o telefone toca
How long does it take you to get ready?:se tiver atrasado muito pouco mesmo
Do you look a lot like people in your family?:ya sobretudo tios em espanha. e a minha tia catia de portugal
Are your parents still married?:nop :'(
Do you owe anyone money?:erm
What for?:o que?
Do you kill bugs?:YES
Are you afraid of the dark?:not, mas tb nao gosto
What are you afraid of?:failing at life
Who was the last person or people you hung out with?:pipow
Where was the last place you went?:cozinha
Do you have a cat?:2
Do you have a dog?:did ;_;
What color is your underwear?:grey
Do you like sports?:yesh
Do you like art?:very much indeed
Do you like math?:NAO
Do you like your school?:NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO!!!!! EWWWW!!
Are your parents strict?:um bocadinho
What time do you have to be home?:nao ha horas
Do you watch TV a lot?:por acaso nao
What's your favorite movie?:nao ha
Why did your last relationship fail?:ela era demasiado nova e eu sou um estupido
Do you have any pink clothing?:NOT
Do you wear a lot of black?:antes sim, mas ainda uso
Are you tan?:nem por sombras
Tattoos?:coming soon
How tall are you?:1.8 metros e algo
Would you ever ask someone out?:agora nao
Do you like the rain?:nem por isso
What are you wearing right now?:calças de fato de treino com t shirt da nike e as sapatilhas da nike. se nao fosse tudo preto estaria mto basofe sim..
Would you ever want to be famous?:as a rockstar
How did you get one of your scars?:ao cair de skate e de patins
Do you get in fights a lot?:antes sim
Have you ever had the chicken pox?:not
Do you get sick a lot?:se nao me contagiarem, not
How many living things live in your house?:8
Are you loud?:YES!!!!!!!
What math are you in?:em nenhuma math, muahahah
Do you save a lot of things that are importanit to you?:<3>
Do you beliieve in fortunes from fortune cookies?:nunca comi
Who was the last person you kissed?:tu
Who was the last peron you hugged?:tu
Who was the last person you rode with in a car?:tu e o teu pai
Would you ever go bungee jumping?:yeah
Would you ever travel to a country without indoor plumbing?:without que ?
Do you like people?:de algumas
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domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Memorias 2

Would you do this?
1. Join the Military or the Mob?Military pois ja faço parte da outra >:)
2. Turn a close friend in if they committed a serious offense ex. murder?Blackmail is teh win
3. Make one porno if it meant never having to work again?Não sei.. agora quanto ao filme porno..
4. Cheat on your bf/gf with your biggest crush if there was no possibility that they would EVER find out?Stoopid, pois a minha gf seria a minha biggest crush :p
5. Eat spoiled food from the garbage or go hungry?Spoiled Food é grunge!!!
What if...
1. In your relationship you find out you are going to have a baby but one of you doesn't want it. Who has the right to choose?The man does ^^
2. Your partner had to work overseas for a year, would you consider playing around?Depende das previsões do coffee news
3. You find out before having sex for the first time with your partner that they have a highly contagious STD, would you still have sex with them?No way!!! :s
4. You are in a serious accident in the middle of nowhere and your only chance of survival is to cut off your own arm, would you do it?HELL YEAH, LIKE A PIRATE ALRIGHT!!! BRAÇO DE PAU!!!
5. You had to kill a member of your family if it meant you would save thousands of lives, would you?Depende do membro da familia. Se for estilo, primo em segundo grau que usa crista..
Yes or No
1. Have you had cyber-sex?Não tenho bem a certeza.
2. Would you masturbate in front of your partner?De certeza que haveria algo mais interessante pra fazer -_-
3. Would you tell your partner (who you really love) that they are bad in bed?ISTO SIM É UMA PERGUNTA DIFICIL!!
4. While having sex, have you ever thought about someone else to keep you turned on?:O
5. Have you ever looked at a family member and felt sexually attracted to them?Incest a esta hora ??
What do you think?
1. Gay marriage is wrong?Desde que haja banquete e festa!
2. The night of your best-friend's wedding their fiance comes on to you, should you tell your best-friend?Não, take that bastard!!
3. You catch one of your parents having a one-night-stand, should you tell the other parent?"Tem ali umas sapatilhas que gosto tanto.."
4. Your partner wants to go to a "swingers" club, would you go to keep your partner happy?HAH talvez :D
5. You are about to tell your spouse that you want a divorce but they just found out that a close family member is dying, do you still tell them?Não, talvez ate receba alguma herança!
1. Would you/Have you ever fake illness to get attention?Não, detesto esse tipo de pessoas.
2. You are the first to arrive at the scene of an accident but it turns out that the person hurt is your worst enemy, do you help or walk away?I would steal him then call 112, then stay still and watch him suffer!!
3. You have a non life threatening sexual disease, would you have a one night stand without telling the person?Iria tratar mas é da doença -_-
4. Do you think it is important to tell the truth or spare someones feelings?There is no absolute truth, therefore, feelings come first!
5. Do you think this survey was truly original?No, try harder pimpin survey !!1!!
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45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?:legna - wow awesome D:
What did you do last night?:escola; desenhei; toquei baixo; fui a uma casa feia; fiquei preso a espera; sueca; dormi enquanto outros jogavam poker
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?:tab da stinkfist
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?:maybe
Last time you swam in a pool?:ultima 5? feira
How many cars have you owned?:um triciclo e duas bicicletas
Type of music you dislike most?:hip yeah pop yo!
Are you registered to vote?:nao devido a minha ma influencia
Do you have cable?:i has cables
What kind of computer do you use?:nao me lembra, mas ? melhor que os da NASA
Ever made a prank phone call?:telefonemas duvidosos LDA
You like anyone right now?:NAO :DDD (<3)>
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?:nao porque cagava-me todo antes de fazer
Furthest place you ever traveled?:lloret de mar ? rofl
What's your favorite comic strip?:o tease strip
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?:ao contrario apenas
Shower, morning or night?:morning
Best movie you've seen in the past month?:THIS IS SPARTAAAA!!!!
Favorite pizza toppings?:qualquer uma. pizza > all
Chips or popcorn?:cacahuetes
What cell phone provider do you have?:vodaphone
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?:nao, mas ja tentamos fumar christmas tea x)
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?:in a what ?
Orange Juice or apple?:orange juz
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?:abandonaaaaadooo...
favorite chocolate bar?:nestle
Who is your longest friend and how long?:E.T
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?:ainda nao plantamos tomates la na aldeia
Have you ever won a trophy?:no, i'm a looser
Ever ordered from an infomercial?:um quei ??
Sprite or 7-UP?:7-up ? superior (e n?o s?o nada iguais)
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?:n?o, mas era giro
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?:so compro no walblues
Ever thrown up in public?:o jardim do meu colega ganhou mais vida ^^
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?:true love, pois gra?as a ela poderia tornar-me milionario
Do you believe in love at first sight?:ja experimentei a second sight :O
Did you have long hair as a young kid?:ya e depois rapava e depois crescia e depois rapava e depois..
What message is on your voicemail machine?:"Vodafone, o numero que pretende contactar nao esta disponivel, tente mais tarde. Obrigado"
Where would you like to go right now?:JAPAN!
Whats the name of your pet?:nana e nene
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?:uma billabong, e o material de desenho com folhas e cadernos pelo meio.
What do you think about most?:Demasiado vulgar para por aqui - Ah, lol semi-copyrights
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