segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2008

Deeper thoughts survey (Over 100 questions)
Ok, These'll be hard to answer, But I won't accept I don't know so answer
with real words...
Describe yourself::sou uma pessoa curiosa e singular
Do your friends play pranks on you?:ya
Are they kind of mean pranks sometimes?:raramente
Are you the victom of all the teasing and jokes?:noooooot
Who are your friends?:o pessoal do costume
Do you love your friends or family more?:family
What is life to you?:a vida é uma arena com varios caminhos para precorrer. cada um tem que escolher o caminho com qual se sente cómodo e aproveitar esse caminho ao máximo.
Can you shrug off something as if it were nothing?:yes
Do you pretend to be happy, but you're really dying inside?:ya, mas a verdade nota-se sempre
What aura do you feel around people?:depende das pessoas, quando sao pessoas comuns sinto-me sozinho
Do you close yourself off from others?:yes
Can you trust your friends with absoultly anything?:nao, hoje em dia o valor da amizade é misjudged e inexistente
Have you ever though nobody cared about you at all?:yes
What's your family like?:confusa
What is the thing you can't stand about them?:a teimosia
What are three things you couldn't live without?:comida, musica e um sofa
Why not?:pq preciso pra matar a fome, pq preciso pra comer e pq preciso para descansar
Extra space if you need it:
Have you ever wondered where you go after you die?:ja, mas nunca xeguei a uma conclusao coerente
Do you think you'll go to heaven or hell?:se isso existe entao o céu é populado por menos de 100 pessoas. e eu nao tou entre elas
Why?:pq o conceito é estupido e contraditorio
How will anything change if you were to die now?:nao sei.. nao faria muita diferença..
Do you write suicide notes/dark poetry?:errr nao!
Would you change anything about your life?:yes
What would it be?:preferia nao ter um irmao pouco mais velho que eu
Are you popular?:nao me parece
Do you feel ugly around people?:lol nao
On a scale 1 to 5 how confident are you?:3.5
Are you obessed with everything being perfect?:nem por sombras
Do you let everything go, as if you don't care about anything?:as vezes
What would be the best place to spend the weekend?:in the desert.. with a generator
Do you love animals?:yes, alguns
Which ones do you like?:gatos
Which animal are you, and describe how you are alike::sou um macaco, as vezes hiper activo, outras vezes um caroxao. e um verdadeiro badalhoco
Have you ever just felt like you had to get away from everything?:ya, mas poucas vezes
How many people would be happy if you died?:nao sei
How many people would be devastated?:a minha familia provavelmente, e amigos de longa data e amigos mais xegados
How many people would be sad, but not sad enough to cry?:alguns colegas que nao me conheciam bem
Who do you hate? (Be honest we all hate someone. Or just someone you dislik:eu nao ando com pessoas que odeio, mas odeio mitras e gangstah wannabes
Do you ever cry for no reason at all?:nunca
What movie makes you sad?:not movies, mas series sim
Have you ever cried when you read a book?If you have, what were you reading:never
Do you have any problems with someone if their ugly? (Be honest):sim, sobretudo se forem feios e estupidos, argh!
Do you have problems with mental people?:com pessoas mentais ? nao
Is school important to you?:pra mim nao, pra minha carreira
Ever think about the future?:sim, mas nunca seriamente
What do you think will happen to you?:acabarei a viver sozinho num apartamento podre em algum lugar do globo
Will you and your BFF stay best friends forever, or would you seperate?:a vida é mto incerta
What do you want to be when you grow up?:musico e andar em gigs
Do you think you'll get married?:marriage... hmmm
Have kids?:yes
Do you find yourself unattractive?:as vezes
Do you ever get picked on, because how smart you are or the way you look?:axo qe nao
What do you think of hypocrites?:as vezes consigo ser mesmo um, portanto prefiro nao opinar
Do you have problems with gay/bi/lesbian people?:not at all, desde que nao me assediem
What do you want your last words to be?:i did it for the lulz
What makes you happy?:estar bem na vida
What makes you angry?:incomprensao
What makes you sad?:injustiça
What makes you content?:ter algo pra fazer que gosto
Have you ever lost someone close to you?:sim
Who, And how did you feel?:o meu avo, senti-me estranho pq ja estava a espera. com o nelson fiquei mesmo triste pq foi totalmente inesperado e injusto
What's the biggest lesson you've learned?:nunca digas desta agua nao beberei
Are you selfish in some ways? (We all are) In which ways are you selfish?:nas minhas accoes e nos bens pessoais
Do you think all the good looking people are always the popualr ones?:nem por isso, muitas vezes passam desapercebidos
Is it hard to believe that most UN-popular people are the ones that're nice:nao sei
Is that true to you, or a stereotype?:nao sei
Can you say anybody TRULEY knows you?:axo que ninguem, pq eu estou em constante mutaçao, lol
Do you belive in labels?:yes
Why or why not?:pq existem
Do you belive in soul mates?:sim
Think you'll ever find him/her?:sim
Do you belive in fate?:sim
Is life what you want it to be?:nao
What is friendship to you?:muito importante
Are you happy with your life?:em certo modo sim
If not, what's wrong with it?:falta-me mais comodidades
Who would you die for?:a minha irma
Would you be happy if your worst enemy died?:ficaria satisfeito se fosse eu contra ele numa batalha epica >:D
Lifes a storybook, Never knowing what'll happen, no way to know the end....:é verdade
If life really IS a storybook, Would it be interesting to read?:as vezes seria demasiado aborrecido
Isn't there going to be alot of plot twist in that book?:na vida ha sempre muitos twists
Are you single?:not
If you are or aren't, how is it?:sinto-me bem neste momento
Are you scared to get rejected by somebody?:claro
What stereotype do you consider yourself?:alguem que tenta ser fixe, mas nao o é, mas que conhecendo-o melhor afinal é
How do you feel in the darkness?:com sono
How do you feel looking up in the sky?:MUITO relaxado
How do you feel in the rain?:incomodo e triste
Would you give up EVERYTHING for your religon?(If you have one):nunca
Are you for or against PETA?:é-me igual
Why?:porque nao é relevante aos meus interesses
Are animals treated worse or better than us?:axo que igual
Explain your answer for the precious question::depende das pessoas e dos animais
What do you simply love about nature?:a sua magia
What do you just flat out hate about nature?:a sua instabilidade
What're three ways you express yourself? (As an individual):me, me, me
Do you have a song you can relate to?:nao sei
Which one?:nao sei
Do you find it attractive when someone is mysterious?:ya
Are you mysterious?:tb
Do you keep a straight face when you lie? (We all lie once in a while):axo que nao x)
Does it bother you when you see someone trying to be bad to look cool?:yes
Are you shallow? (Be honest):nao sei o que isso
Would you go out with an ugly person?:sou superficial, portanto nao
Would you rather be fat or dead?:fat :D
Which flower do you resemble the most?/Which one do you think you're like?:nao gosto de flores
Do you sometimes envy people that have more than you?:sim
Tell me what you think being "Unique as an individual" means:é ter personalidade juridica (nao tou a brincar)
Do you act like someone you're not just to fit in?:depende das situaçoes
Can you be snobby at times?:axo que sim
Do you usually sit and talk or dance around at a party?:both
Do you consider yourself shy or outgoing? (No in between, one or the other):shy
Look back at you answers, and you will see who you are
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